Pyrite in lithotherapy
Metallic and opaque, this wonderful stone catches the eye with its sparkle and shiny appearance reminiscent of gold. Nicknamed the "Fire Stone", it was noticed for the sparks it produced when struck with iron. It was used a lot in the past by the Greeks to make amulets and jewelry.
In lithotherapy, pyrite has many virtues that can be amplified when combined with other stones. It combines perfectly with amber, rose quartz and tiger's eye for example!
The virtues and benefits of Pyrite
Pyrite is a very protective stone that drives away negative energies and thoughts. In this way, it helps to overcome fears and anxiety by giving energy and vitality. It allows you to have a renewed creativity and inspiration. Thus, it stimulates learning, perception and intellectual faculties. This metallic mineral is said to bring good luck and fortune to its owner.
On a physical level, proponents of lithotherapy say that pyrite helps with breathing by purifying the bronchi and the respiratory system as a whole. It reduces fatigue and therefore allows you to be more inclined to work.
How to Purify and Recharge Pyrite
The purification of this mineral can be done by leaving the stone in demineralized water for 4 to 5 hours. This process can also be done by fumigation with white sage for example. Be careful not to purify the pyrite too often as it may oxidize.
To recharge it, it's very simple. Simply leave the stone in the sun for 2 to 3 hours in a bright room. Or, you can place the pyrite on top of a rock crystal or amethyst cluster.
Pyrite and Astrology
Pyrite is particularly recommended for those born under the signs of Libra, Cancer and Leo.
Pyrite and Chakras
The action of Pyrite is mainly on the Throat Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra and the Heart Chakra.
Disclaimer: The indications and properties indicated here are taken from user feedback and reference works in the field. Stones and lithotherapy in general are alternative energy therapies that can help you in everyday life, but their use should in no way be a substitute for medical advice or modern medicine.