Tibetan singing bowls

Showing 1-8 of 8 item(s)
Tibetan singing bowls
BOL 7CH A Rouge
5/5 out of 1 total ratings
Root Chakra" singing bowl: to balance and harmonize the physical body Set includes singing bowl, cushion and stick. Explanations in English inside the box. Handcrafted in India. Bowl: diameter 8cm / Weight 245gr Box: 11.5 x 11.5cm The "Root Chakra" singing bowl is designed to balance the first chakra, also known as Muladhara. This chakra is...
Tibetan singing bowls
BOL 7CH E Orange
3/5 out of 1 total ratings
Sacred Chakra" singing bowl: to balance the energetic body Set includes singing bowl, cushion and stick. Explanations in English inside the box. Handcrafted in India. Bowl: diameter = 8cm - Weight = 245gr Box: 11.5 x 11.5cm The "Sacred Chakra" singing bowl is designed to balance the second chakra, also known as Svadhisthana. This chakra is...
Tibetan singing bowls
BOL 7CH C Jaune
4,5/5 out of 2 total ratings
Solar plexus chakra" singing bowl: to boost confidence and energy Set includes singing bowl, cushion and stick. Explanations in English inside the box. Handcrafted in India. Bowl: diameter = 8 cm / Weight = 245 gr Box: 11.5 x 11.5 cm The "Solar Plexus Chakra" singing bowl is designed to balance the third chakra, also known as Manipura. This...
Tibetan singing bowls
BOL 7CH F Turquoise
Throat Chakra" singing bowl: to free expression and communication Set includes singing bowl, cushion and stick. Explanations in English inside the box. Handcrafted in India. Bowl: diameter = 8 cm / Weight = 245 gr Box: 11.5 x 11.5 cm The "Throat Chakra" singing bowl is designed to balance the fifth chakra, also known as Vishuddha. This chakra is...
Tibetan singing bowls
BOL 7CH B Violet
5/5 out of 1 total ratings
Coronal Chakra" singing bowl: to raise consciousness and spirituality Set includes singing bowl, cushion and stick. Explanations in English inside the box. Handcrafted in India. Bowl: diameter = 8 cm / Weight = 245 gr Box: 11.5 x 11.5 cm The "Coronal Chakra" singing bowl is designed to balance the seventh chakra, also known as Sahasrara. This...
Tibetan singing bowls
BOL 7CH D Vert
5/5 out of 1 total ratings
Heart Chakra" singing bowl: to open and harmonize emotions Set includes singing bowl, cushion and stick. Explanations in English inside the box. Handcrafted in India. Bowl: diameter = 8 cm / Weight = 245 gr Box: 11.5 x 11.5 cm The "Heart Chakra" singing bowl is designed to balance the fourth chakra, also known as Anahata. This chakra is...
5/5 out of 2 total ratings
3rd Eye" singing bowl: to stimulate intuition and mental clarity Set includes singing bowl, cushion and stick. Explanations in English inside the box. Handcrafted in India. Bowl: diameter = 8 cm / Weight = 245 gr Box: 11.5 x 11.5 cm The "3rd Eye" singing bowl is designed to balance the sixth chakra, also known as Ajna or "frontal chakra". This...
Tibetan singing bowls
5/5 out of 5 total ratings
Hammered metal singing bowl: for a unique sound and spiritual experience Fabric kit including hammered metal bowl, cushion and stick. Handcrafted in Nepal. Bowl: diameter = 8 cm / Weight = 210 g approx. Fabric storage case: diameter 9 cm x height 6.5 cm This hammered metal singing bowl is a unique handcrafted object, carefully made in Nepal. It...

Discover new meditation and relaxation practices with the Tibetan Singing Bowl.

The Tibetan Singing Bowl is a traditional Tibetan worship object (from Tibet, Nepal or Bhutan). Since the dawn of time, it is used by Buddhist shamans in sacred incantations. Nowadays, it is widely used in the context of gentle therapies such as transcendental meditation or sophrology.

Indeed, the singing of the Tibetan bowl produces particular sound waves that cross our body and promote the meditative state, well-being, relaxation.

What are the benefits of Tibetan singing bowl?

Sophrologists and other therapists of alternative and alternative medicine generally use the Tibetan Singing Bowl to combat the following problems:

    Stress, recurrent tiredness, malaise.
    Depression, traumatic shock, and other psychological disorders.
    Insomnia and sleep disorders.
    Hearing disorders, recurrent tinnitus.
    Muscle or joint pain and tension.

From an energetic point of view, the sound waves of the singing bowl allow us to refocus and harmonize our 7 main chakras, and thus to free the knots and points of tension that have formed during emotional storms, painful episodes of life, or phases of repression.

The singing bowl is therefore a tool that, during meditation sessions or relaxation, will help us reconnect with our "deep self", our essence, to access a benefactor awakening: to be internally aware that in the universe everything is connected, and that every living being, including ourselves, is a small part of this whole thing.

How to choose a singing bowl?

This question is often approached in an overly complex way by the meditation or relaxation specialists: it is sometimes advisable to choose a bowl according to the musical note that it produces, which will act mainly on this or that chakra; or its size, because the big bowls usually produce serious songs, and the smaller ones, sharp songs.

Yet, all therapists agree that the best way to choose a singing bowl is to rely on the principle of attraction. We advise you here to choose your Tibetan singing bowl according to this method, ie by trusting your instinct: choose the bowl that attracts you most, the one you find the most beautiful! Because this premonition is certainly the manifestation of an invisible but very real link, which is created between the object and yourself.

How to use a Tibetan singing bowl?

First, determine how you will position yourself to use your singing bowl:

    In sitting position.
    In standing up position.
    While lying on your back (you can then place the bowl on your stomach, or on your chest).
    In the back massage position (in this case, it is another person who will make the bowl sing on your back).

Choose the position that inspires you the most, or test them all to feel the bowl singing in different ways.

When you have chosen the position in which you want to use the singing bowl, place it in the palm of your hand, fingers outstretched. Then, with the other hand, grasp the mallet (with the right hand if you are right-handed, or conversely if you are left-handed). Knock the bowl with the mallet. First very slowly, then louder, until you have found the perfect gesture, the one that triggers the prettiest sound.

This first step, which involves finding the right way to hit the bowl with the mallet, may require several attempts. It is necessary to persevere while varying significantly the gestures. Once you have found the right gesture, there will be no doubt, because the singing bowl will produce a sound of beauty, almost crystalline.

Once you have managed to trigger this "magic" sound, the second step is to extend it, so as to really make the bowl sing.

Now that you have mastered the technique, hit the bowl with the mallet in the right way, so that it produces that particular sound, then proceed without delay by spinning the mallet all around the outside edge of the bowl, keeping it constantly a slight friction. Again, you may have to make several attempts before you succeed. When this gesture is perfectly executed, the bowl will literally begin to sing. This song is a little like that of bohemian crystal.

In the unanimous opinion, the fact of succeeding in triggering the singing of the bowl, then listening to it, in an atmosphere conducive to relaxation, causes a feeling of bliss that would cure a lot of trouble!

Your turn now ! Choose your bowl from our selection of authentic Tibetan singing bowls. Then take a moment just for you, the time to master the art of singing ... Finally, enjoy and let your loved ones enjoy these special, mystical and soothing moments, that the song of the bowl offers !

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